Authentication and Authorization

In order to access our API, each request needs to be authenticated and authorized for whatever particular action is being performed.
For a request to be succuessfully authenticated, the developer and subscription keys generated for your account must be included in the headers of each request as follows:

  • ocp-apim-developer-key: [Your Developer Key Here]
  • ocp-apim-subscription-key: [Your Subscription Key Here]

Once authenticated, the API should attempt to process the request provided that the account associated with the developer and subscription keys has the proper permissions for the requested action. Note that a 403 Not Authenticated response means there may be something wrong with your API keys, please ensure that the key values are being input correctly and that they are configured for the correct environment (i.e. using production keys for and sandbox keys for

If you are receiving a 401 Unauthorized response, that means the account with which the supplied keys are associated does not have the proper permission to access the requested action. In such a case, please contact us at for further assistance.